Call for Abstracts
The abstract submission deadline for the 2024 Annual Ottawa Conference has now passed. Thank you to everyone who submitted an abstract for consideration.
Deadline for Applications: December 8, 2023, 11:59 p.m. EST
Notification to Applicants: December 20, 2023
Submitters have the option to identify their preferred presentation format(s) through the online portal. If submitters select they are willing to present their abstract as either a rapid fire oral presentation or a poster presentation, the abstract will first be judged as a potential oral presentation, and if not successful, will then be judged as a potential poster presentation.
Please note: ALL poster presenters and rapid fire oral presenters that are accepted must register as delegates for the 16th Annual Ottawa Conference.
Poster Presentations
Poster presenters are expected to be at their poster during the designated period, allowing conference delegates time to ask questions and to discuss content. Additional technical specifications, including dimensions, will be provided with acceptance letters.
Best Poster Award
The 16th Annual Ottawa Conference will include an award for best poster. The person judged as preparing and delivering the best poster will receive an award of recognition and a cheque for $250. Posters displayed at the conference will be judged by the Ottawa Conference review committee, with the best poster selected based on the following criteria:
- Originality
- Design and methodology
- Supporting data
- Quality of presentation
Rapid Fire Oral Presentations
Each presenter will have only five minutes and only three slides to summarize an innovative research project or other topics related to smoking cessation. This fun yet formal platform offers great exposure to presenters and gives delegates a snapshot of the extensive and novel work taking place in the area of smoking cessation.
Best Rapid Fire Oral Presentation Award
The 16th Annual Ottawa Conference will include an award for Best Rapid Fire Oral Presentation. The person judged as preparing and delivering the best rapid fire oral presentation will receive an award of recognition and a cheque for $250. Oral presentations will be judged by the Ottawa Conference review committee, based on the following criteria:
- Originality
- Design and methodology
- Supporting data
- Quality of presentation
- Presenter stays within allotted time